TARAFOL® WHITE is a micronized fertilizer, formulated for favouring the phases of blooming and setting. Phosphorus plays a key role in the phases of more energy requirement because it forms part of the adenosine triophosphate molecule (ATP) which is the main energy source of vegetables. Moreover, phosphorus is very important in all the phases of growth given that it is fundamental in the genetic transfer of plants.
The formulation of TARAFOL® WHITE is enriched with micronutrients that are essential for the processes of blooming and setting:
- Boro (B): main micronutrient in the transport of sugars of the plant due to the formation of the B-Sugar complex.
- Molybdenum (Mo): element present in a lot of enzymes. The presence of Phosphorus serves as synergic effect for achieving a better absorption of Molybdenum.
Note: The information here contained does not exempt from following the indications of each product’s label.
The contents here declared are indicative and subject to local regulations, ask your technical advisor through the form.

Its application is recommended under the advice of a technician. For specific dosage recommendations, please consult your local distributor. The use method and dosage of the products may vary in each country due to climatic, technical and/or legal conditions.
