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Tarazona Agronomics is an initiative based on research, development and innovation that was born with the purpose of both supporting and taking sides in the scientific field of the agricultural sector with the commitment to disseminate the knowledge generated.

The pillars of the project

The project is based on four pillars: the collaboration with universities, technology centers and other public reference bodiesthe product development field testing and testing the solutions in the majority crops of our stakeholders, the farmer training disseminating the knowledge generated and the promotion of Fertilosophy®The main focus of our R+D+i.

  of higher added value   
  efficient and sustainable   
  for our society.

Collaborating entities

At Tarazona Agrosolutions we develop our R&D&I activities through collaboration agreements with a wide variety of public organizations, universities, research centers and agricultural technology centers. Through them, we promote the Fertilosofía® giving rise to solutions of greater added value, efficient and sustainable for our society.

Tarazona Agronomics

At Tarazona Agrosolutions we believe that the best way to disseminate the knowledge generated is to organize Field Days and other events with our collaborators. Through a dynamic format consisting of a theoretical part and a field visit where you can see what our scientific partners have experienced.

Upcoming conferences

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Upcoming conferences

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