What is the ultralocation technique?
Ultralocation is a precision fertilization method wher eby the nutrients needed by the crop are placed just a few millimeters from the seed or plant at the same time as it is sown. This method of application favors the initial development of the crops due to the ease with which the plant absorbs the nutrients applied, since they are located at the planting line. Phosphorus mobility is very low, being practically immobile.
By means of the ultralocalization technique, we position the phosphorus at a maximum distance of 2.5 mm from the seed or plant, thus facilitating the absorption and assimilation of this nutrient.
Reasons for sowing cereals with microcomplex fertilizers
Cereal sowing with Microteam® microcomplex fertilizers offers several important benefits to improve crop health and yield.
Operating cost savings
The use of microcomplex fertilizers makes it possible to carry out the task of background fertilization at the same time as the sowing of the cereal. This means that in the same operation or agricultural work we are performing seeding and bottom fertilization with the consequent cost savings that this entails.
Phosphoric ultralocation
Thanks to the size of the granules of our microcomplexes and Microone®. The phosphorous is added to the seed, and its manufacturing process allows us to put the amount of phosphorous that the seed needs next to it, thus ensuring that the seed has the phosphorous it needs without excessive expenditure of energy and preventing the phosphorous itself from being blocked.
Increased rooting and number of children
Another advantage of microcomplex fertilizers is that you get a more powerful root system and a greater number of roots than the traditional fertilizer system. This provides the plant with greater exploration of the soil in order to take up more nutrients and in turn better resist the effects of water stress. Consequently, a higher root dieback equals more and better tillering, providing a higher number of viable spikelets.
Increased production
It has been proven that thanks to our microcomplex fertilizers we are able to obtain higher yields compared to traditional fertilization management. As we have argued in the previous points, this is because the greater rooting in turn gives rise to a greater number of offspring. This combined with the right nitrogen fertilization at the right time is the key to higher yields.
There are trials (Innovatrigo project) that show an 18.5% increase in farmers’ gross profit.
Higher specific weight
The addition of amino acids to our microcomplex fertilizers provides a qualitative factor at the end of the cycle by increasing the specific weight of the grain.
Carbon footprint reduction
According to our tests carried out in previous years (Innovatrigo project), thanks to microcomplex fertilizers and correct nitrogen fertilization, we can reduce our carbon footprint by up to 25%. This makes this type of fertilizer a more sustainable contribution to the environment.